Saturday, September 22, 2012

Open Letter To My Daughter...From Dad

Dear Parker,

It's been 1 whole year since you came into this world and blessed me with your presence. My life has been forever changed by you. I love you more than words could ever explain. Even when you kept me and your mom up for countless nights it was all ok because I knew that you needed me but I needed you more. 

         I wouldn't change this experience or you for all the money in the world. Every morning you get up and I change your diaper and dress you for the day, your smile brightens the rest of my day. Nothing anyone can say can disrupt my joy I get from you. Sometimes when I'm felling a little down I just look at your picture on my desk or in my phone and nothing matters anymore. I know most parents would say its only 1 year down and 18 more to go but that's not true for me because it was the best 1 year of my life and I still have the rest of my life to look forward to. 

         Ok to keep from rambling on forever I'm gonna bring this letter to a close. I can't wait until you are old enough to read this so you can know how your father feels on your 1st Birthday. Parker Blayke Pugh my little angel/princess I promise you that you will never need for anything as long as I'm here on this Earth I will do ANYTHING for you. I don't care if you are 13 or 30 if you ever call me for anything I will be there for you. Here is a forewarning for your future boyfriend or husband that if they ever hurt you I will hurt them worse than they could ever imagine and that is my PROMISE...

                                                                                                      Your Father 9/22/12